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11/13/05 "I should, but I'm already so mature"
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Yea, so this is the last comic from me till next monday. But I will be updating around noon for the next week. So stop on by and see the cool artist I've got to give a comic.

Yesturday started my celbration of my birthday. A friend of mine named Leah took me out to a bar. It was alright, then we got coxed into going to see Rocky Horror up in Delaware. I've been to one before, it was nothing like the time I went before. First off, the "actors" weren't as good. Second the girls were way hotter. Third the people weren't in time like the ones in jersey, but kinda funnier. Fourth. they threw shit, toilet paper mostly. In the begining I was offering my nachos to the gang I was with and they got hit. A friend who was with us told the guy and he bought me some new nachos. It was funny though.

Today, my grandparents took me out to Downey's on south street. The food was alright. I only have one drink and I stole a glass.

Tonight at midnight I'm going out with my sister. It should be fun.

Later don't forget to vote. =^)

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